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Make an outbound call

You can initiate a phone call using NodeJS with a Fonoster Number with a single API request.

First, create a new script with the following content:

# call.js
const Fonoster = require("@fonoster/sdk");
const callManager = new Fonoster.CallManager({
accessKeyId: "PJ619154d081467a0700000001",
accessKeySecret: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ25vc3RlciIsInJvbGUiOiJQUk9KRUNUIiwiYWNjZXNz"
from: "+19842753574",
to: "17853178070",
webhook: ""

Next, replace the from, to, webhook as well as the accessKeyId and accessKeySecret

Unlike the previous guides, you must use a "real" number from a Voip Provider.

Also, remember that you need a set of Project credentials instead of Account credentials.

Make an outbound call

Now we are ready to save the changes and run the code by copying the following command into your terminal:

node call.js

That's it! Your phone should ring with a call from your Fonoster Number, and you'll hear our short message.